Fascination Advantage assessment and Reliability
Reliability is often defined as the consistency by which a test measures what it offers to measure.
Personality brand is qualitative and we know of no other test that measures Personality brand. The Fascination Advantage assessment is not a psychological instrument. The Fascination Advantage assessment will not have consistency like a thermometer or other purely quantitative measures. There are generally accepted standards for psychological instruments, but they do not apply to our non-psychological instrument. Personality brand, like consumer reactions to brand messages in products, can be observed, tested, and categorized with the Fascination Advantage assessment.
Many consider consistency to mean that if they measure something with an instrument more than once, they would expect a similar result each time. In our analysis of testing results we consistently find that individuals who take the Fascination Advantage assessment more than once will get the same or similar top Advantages. We do not recommend taking of the assessment multiple times, however, because we want the assessment to be a product of immediate thought not a contrived result. Sometimes users will not “like” their results and may try to rig the outcome on retake. That reaction cannot be avoided but can be observed.
On retest, people come out with primary and secondary Advantages that are the same the majority of the time.
This is an empirical but not statistical evaluation. It is based on our experience in evaluating hundreds of thousands of results and our analysis of those results. We have done post-assessment surveys and post-training surveys that resulted in findings of improved communication.
When a person changes Archetype after a retest, the result is usually a Twin Archetype (where the primary and secondary Advantages are reversed) or the primary or secondary Advantage is still a primary or secondary Advantage on retest.
We have found no particular unreliability for sex, ethnic groups, or age (above adolescence).
Certain groups may not be reliable if they are of too young an age (we recommend age 15 and above) or if the users are not proficient in English. If the Assessment is used with children, or individuals with poor English skills, the results may still be used as teaching tools to communicate the value of a personality brand in improving communication.
Fascination Advantage assessment and Validity
Validity is the quality of being logically or factually sound; that is, the assessment reflects what it says it reflects about a finding or result that is meaningful or useful to the assessment taker.
The Fascination Advantage Archetype is valid in that it reflects a personality brand that can be used to compare and contrast the communication Advantages and differences among users. A personality brand is valid in that it helps us to understand and evaluate people’s behavior in certain situations with some predictable result. The personality Archetype is intended to help us evaluate the ability of an individual to communicate with others in a predictable fashion in predictable situations. That is, for example, a person with primary Power Advantage is likely to act in ways that are both predictable and dissimilar to some degree to how someone with a primary Mystique Advantage would act in a similar setting.
This information is useful for scholastic and employment related environments.