Generally we tell people they should only take the assessment once, because they are coming to the system with no bias. If you took the assessment twice, your results are probably very similar. Look at the breakdown of your Advantages and see the patterns behind your result. Most people end up with the same Primary and Dormant Advantages (because they are your most natural and most effortful Advantages, respectively). Sometimes people will also score as their Archetype Twin (the same two top Advantages, but in reverse order). Your Twin could be you on a different day, in a slightly different mood. It is the closest Archetype to you on the matrix. The main takeaway from your results is to focus on the Advantages that are highest, and avoid having to use the Advantages that are lowest. Your Archetype is the roadmap to the most important tool we can give you: the Fascination Anthem™. Learn more about Anthems in Part III of How the World Sees You, or create your own Anthem.