Fascination Advantage® Assessment and Validity

Validity is the quality of being logically or factually sound; that is the Assessment reflects what it says it reflects about a finding or result that is meaningful or useful to the Assessment taker. The Fascination Advantage® Archetype is valid in that it reflects a personality brand that can be used to compare and contrast […]

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Is the Fascination Advantage® Assessment Reliable?

Reliability is often defined as the consistency by which a test measures what it offers to measure. Many consider consistency to mean that if they measure something with an instrument more than once they would expect a similar result each time. In our analysis of testing results we consistently find that individuals who take the […]

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How can a 28-question assessment show me how I add value?

The assessment was originally 150 questions long. We realized, however, that many of those questions were unnecessary to get at the heart of someone’s unique traits. So after careful consideration, we cut down the “fluff” and boiled the questions down to their essence. Each question is carefully considered and weighted very specifically (and not every […]

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I scored the same on two Advantages. What does that mean?

For simplicity’s sake, the Fascination Advantage Report shows the scores of each advantage rounded to the nearest full point.  In reality, though, the assessment measures your scores for each advantage to the nearest 1/100th of a point. So while it may show up as you having the same score for two or more advantages, your […]

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Is the Fascination Advantage® assessment a reliable and valid instrument?

Fascination Advantage assessment and Reliability Reliability is often defined as the consistency by which a test measures what it offers to measure. Personality brand is qualitative and we know of no other test that measures Personality brand.  The Fascination Advantage assessment is not a psychological instrument. The Fascination Advantage assessment will not have consistency like a […]

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I took the test a second time and my Advantages have changed.

Generally we tell people they should only take the assessment once, because they are coming to the system with no bias. If you took the assessment twice, your results are probably very similar. Look at the breakdown of your Advantages and see the patterns behind your result. Most people end up with the same Primary […]

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How do I give the Fascination Advantage® Assessment as a gift?

To give the test as a gift, first purchase additional tests at http://www.howtofascinate.com/products-and-pricing/fascination-advantage-report/. Be sure to sign in as a Returning Customer using your email address as your username and the password you created when you set up your account. This will add the additional test credits to your Fascination Advantage account. Once you’ve completed your […]

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